I am a very angry person. That is probably not the best thing for a Christian to admit, but it is true. I seethe often and visibly. There are plenty of things that make me mad- grocery stores with no self-checkout, toll booths, those creepy statue people who move suddenly and make me squeal like a prepubescent girl. But perhaps nothing makes me more angry than the religious right.
Why, you ask? Because I am tired of being lumped together with them. I am tired of people assuming that because I am a Christian I hate homosexuals, think that Jesus roots for America in all wars and World Cup events, yell at unwed mothers about the sanctity of life, and vote for Republican candidates. I do none of those things. OK, I might think God is partial to the red, white and blue come Olympic years, but none of the rest.
Philip Yancey, one of my favorite writers, once observed that it would be incredibly sad if the modern church in America were known for those things (he may have phrased it slightly less antagonistically). I agree and am afraid that for many it might be too late to change that perception, but I hope not. I believe that we owe it to the big guy whose name we use to condone all kinds of hideous behavior to try to set the record straight.
Because the truth is this- none of us are good enough to be judgmental or angry or self-righteous with anyone else. We are all desperate, lost, emotionally crippled, self absorbed, scared individuals trying to make sense of it all.
And that also includes me and my issues with the religious right. My anger toward them is just another variation of their misguided vehemence. So, to Fox News, all televangelists, pro-life vocalists, that angry little church that pickets gay funerals, and the Republican party I say, 'I'm sorry. I still disagree with you, but I am sorry for my anger and judgment.'
'But seriously, can you keep it down, just a bit!'
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